Thursday, July 22, 2010


we drove north.  the first day in the car is always the best.  we were excited and i was giggly.  we didn't have the radio on, but were completely satisfied with each other's company.

then it was my turn to drive... boredom crept in, and i insisted on being entertained... the radio came on, and one thing lead to another....

we finally made it to delaware and we were welcomed with big brother hugs and cold drinks.
bru is obsessed with food, but bella, she likes her beer

the next morning, with creamy coffee and berry muffins in hand, we started out for the second half of the trip. 

new york is one of those places on the drive from south carolina to maine that you sit up and take notice.  partly because you have to or you'll get into an accident, but mainly because the energy in that city is contagious. it's beautiful in so many ways that maine is not - it is crowded, dirty, and if we stop for gas in new york, my pulse increases just a tad, but it is full of life and diversity...and i was secretly hoping that i might spot carrie bradshaw and that this song would come on....

i love that on each side of  87 you can see these two opposing views
 and, in honor of our fourth of july trip and my obsessiveness with using my camera

my dogs...they couldn't be more perfect.  i'm pretty sure bru can smell maine...i think he's like me in that way, he notices the different scent of that state.  the fresh, cool, wind blown smell... it carries you... it's comforting.
 if you look close you can see the christy's red yaris in the back -holla!

oh, it was sunny in maine- filled with pine tree scents, campfire smoke and love.  it brings tears to my eyes to describe this place we call camp. getting there you pass old farms, wildflower fields growing blacked eyed susans and silvery birch trees that wave in the wind.

i had to take a couple of deep breaths.  i was excited, but in a way nervous.  camp has this special place carved out in my heart - no other place can compete.   it is where mike proposed, where we married, and where the dogs run free.  it is the place we ran to when we had nowhere else to go...  it is the place where my family gathered, and where crisp fall breezes and warm wood fires slowly soothed my broken heart.

my family was excited.
the boys played basketball
the dogs ran straight for the water

we kicked the night off with a champagne toast from one of the most thoughtful guys know...
which may or may not have prompted a little kissy-face photo shoot

followed by an alaskan fish dinner

and the next day was just as sunny as the first
we played games while getting ready for the big day
tossing a random dance party in the mix
thanks christy for the pictures!

one of my favorite nights of vacation at the red barn.

group shot! although no one's excitement about the field of cattails compared to mine. 
take 1

take 2

take 3

duck face?

then, the day my mom had been planning for.  i'm pretty sure she needs to quit her day job and become a party/wedding planner.

fourth of july olympics
kicked off with the lighting of the torch and raising of the flag

mom, thank you for such a great day!  i love you.

and, as the sun set and the yard slowly illuminated with tiki torches, we lounged by the water, talked by the fire and slowly made our way back up the hill for more games.

it was a magical day,  where new friends and family gathered in a place that couldn't possibly hold more history, it was sunny and beautiful, and many times throughout the day i had to stop to breathe in the moment... and i truly felt that i was home.

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